Dear Parents,
Welcome to Beech Class! It has been wonderful to see all the children back in class. They all looked very smart in their school uniform and their bright smiles.
Meet the Team:
A few reminders, please:
- Ensure all your child’s uniform is labelled.
- Make sure your child has a named water bottle in school.
- Ensure your child reads to you everyday - books will be sent home daily. Book bags need to come back to school everyday with the reading record signed.
- Make sure your child comes to school in a named P.E kit on P.E. days - Tuesday (outdoors) and Thursday (indoors). As it is getting colder please ensure your child has warm clothing - jogging bottoms and a hoody.
If you wish to contact me please find me at school or at
Mr Tillyer
Beech Class Information
Autumn 1 Photos