Welcome to Pear Class!
We are looking forward to learning through curiosity, joy, affection and thought. We are all on our own learning journey but in this class, we all help one another grow.
Teacher: Miss Shepherd
Learning Assistants: Mrs Giannakaki
Our class email:
Year Four Parent Info Meeting
P.E: Tuesday and Wednesday - children must come to school wearing their P.E kits on these days.
Reading Books: Please listen to your child read daily and sign their reading record. Books can be changed daily if children have finished reading them.
School Library Day:Friday - children can take a book to read for pleasure and must return the book before another can be issued.
If possible please send a piece of fruit or a healthy snack and a named water bottle daily with your child.
Thank you for all your support!
Pear class team.
Information for parents about the multiplication tables check: