Riverside Primary School and Nursery

Every child a happy learner

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Get in touch

Contact Details


Hawthorn Class

Meet the team!

Miss Walker & Mrs Ashton 


Email = hawthornclass@riversideprimaryschool.org.uk


PE Days = Wednesday & Friday (please come into school in full PE kit)


Library Days = Every Thursday


If your child has a club after school, please pack PE kit in a bag for them to change into after school.


Home learning expectations


Reading is vital for your child's development! Remember...


"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more place you'll go!"

Meet the teacher 27.09.23

Hawthorn Class 2023/2024

Solar renewable energy workshop 4.7.24

Culture Day 2024

Easter Cracked at St Mary's Church

DT - Playgrounds

St Mary's Christmas Unwrapped 8/12/23

SATs Revision website links
