Welcome to Poplar Class!
'Mistakes are proof that you are trying'
Teacher: Mr Cox
Learning Assistants: Mrs Cavendish and Mrs Borland .
Our class email: poplarclass@riversideprimaryschool.org.uk
P.E: Tuesday and Wednesday - children must come to school wearing their P.E kits on these days.
Reading Books: Please listen to your child read daily and sign their reading record. Books can be changed daily once the children have finished reading them and have written a quick summary of the book in their reading records.
School Library Day: Friday - children can take a book to read for pleasure and must return the book before another can be issued.
If your child is attending a sports after-school club, then on the club day they must come to school wearing their P.E kits.
Please send a piece of fruit or a healthy snack and a named water bottle daily with your child.
Thank you for all your support!
Poplar class team.
Information for parents about the multiplication tables check: