Welcome to Olive Class
The Class staff are Miss Coombes and Ms Rasib.
Please ensure your child brings their own named bottle of water (no juice please) every day.
Children may bring in their own pencil case to use in the afternoons only. We will, however, provide stationery and equipment.
PE Days are Tuesday and Wednesday on these days children need to come to school wearing their PE kit.
Reading books are in your child's reading folder and need to be brought to school everyday. Please sign your child's reading record each time you listen to them read. Each time they have read and have their record signed, they receive a house point. Children will have the opportunity to change their book as required during the week.
The children have individual log-ins for TTRock Stars/Numbots, MyMaths and Spelling Shed for homework tasks. These are stuck into the front of reading records. If your child has any issues logging into any of these sites, please let us know.
If you have any questions, please contact me via oliveclass@riversideprimaryschool.org.uk
Thanks, Miss Coombes