Riverside Primary School and Nursery

Every child a happy learner

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Welcome To Cherry Class

If you have any questions or queries you can contact me at:






Welcome to our class pages


Please visit our page regularly to find useful information and photos to see what we have been up to!


Reading  - books will be sent home everyday for the children to read and home every night. Book bags need to come back into school everyday with their reading record signed.  


 PE- Cherry Class have P.E on a Tuesday and Thursday and children need to come to school dressed in their P.E kit on these days which they will wear for the whole school day. With the temperature starting to drop please make sure they have warm clothing (jogging bottoms and hoody). 


Children need to bring a named water bottle to school everyday. Please can you ensure that jumpers, cardigans, ties and P.E jumpers have their names written on them. 


The teaching assistants in Cherry Class is Mrs Gorle.


Mrs Black smiley


Dates for your diary this term

 5th September - School Term starts

17th October 2:50 Harvest Singing Performance Y1 

25th October- Half term

4th November - Inset day

5th November  - Term starts

8th November Woolley Firs Environmental Centre Trip

10th December Christmas Nativity

11th December Christmas Fair

20th December - Term ends 

6th March World Book Day

2nd April Eid Fair

17th July Summer Fair

Parent Information Meeting slides

Mrs Black and Mrs Gorle

Listening to your child read meeting information
