Riverside Primary School and Nursery

Every child a happy learner

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Welcome to Maple Class!


On this page I aim to keep children and families up to date with what we have been and will be learning about. 

Please do let me know if there is anything else that you would like to see here!

Reception Team



class email: mapleclass@riversideprimaryschool.org.uk

Transition information 23-24

W E E K L Y  U P D A T E


11th October 2024




22nd Stay and play 2:15-3:15 pm

24th Halloween Disco


Important Information

RWinc Books and Ready to Read Bag  at home: Your child is going home with a Ready to Read bag containing a Read Write Inc book with words and a reading record which needs to be completed every time you read with your child. They need to bring it back to school every day and the book will be changed on Fridays.


Library books: Reception children are getting into the habit of making weekly trips to the school library. Every week they can choose a book to read at home and they need to return it the following week, so please don't forget when the books need to go back.

Mulberry Tuesdays 

Maple Fridays 


Please watch the videos listed under these headings in the email that was sent out today.

RWInc Set 1 sounds (e,l,h,r,j)

Learning to blend

Word time 


Talk Through Stories 

This week we have been reading Room on The Broom.


What can children learn from Room on the Broom?

Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler raises questions about what it means to be a friend, helping others, and teamwork. Throughout the story, many different animals help the witch collect items that she has lost. In return, she makes room for them on her broom.  Room on The Broom


This week, we have been focusing on 3D Shapes.


“Providing children with a range of 3D shapes and objects, plus images of 2D shapes in different orientations, helped strengthen their understanding of the shapes and prompted them to start to describe the properties.” 


Early Learning Goals

There is no specific Early Learning Goal related to Shape. This week, we are supporting the following Development Matters statement: Select, rotate and manipulate shapes in order to develop spatial reasoning.


Unclear Speech - Help for parents

If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s speech, you may be interested in this free online workshop.


Click here to register for this online workshop




Have a great weekend


smiley Miss Coombes and Mrs Austin smiley
