Riverside Primary School and Nursery

Every child a happy learner

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Welcome to Mulberry Class!


On this page I aim to keep children and families up to date with what we have been and will be learning about. 

Please do let me know if there is anything else that you would like to see here!

Reception Team 








  • 22nd Stay and play 2:15-3:15 pm You are invited to come and join us on Tuesday afternoon to see the kind of activities we do in Reception to facilitate  your child’s learning.
  • 24th Halloween Disco, On Thursday, please make sure that your child wears their costume to school and also brings a bag with spare clothes.
  • 25th Half term


Library books: Reception children are getting into the habit of making weekly trips to the school library. Every week they can choose a book to read at home and they need to return it the following week, so please don't forget when the books need to go back.

Mulberry Tuesdays 

Maple Fridays 



Talk Through Stories

We have been reading Winnie and Wilbur by Valerie Thomas. Here is the vocabulary we have been learning:








 Please talk through these words at home, talk about what they mean in the context of the story. Use these words at home for example ‘I have decided to use green to colour in my picture’ or ‘the spoon is gleaming now that I have cleaned it’. You can model the sentence structures for your child and they can have a go at putting it into context.


Winnie and Wilbur Story Telling 


Winnie and Wilbur activities 


Maths 2D Shapes

This week, we have been focusing on 2D Shapes.


“Providing children with a range of 3D shapes and objects, plus images of 2D shapes in different orientations, helped strengthen their understanding of the shapes and prompted them to start to describe the properties.” 

What does the EYFs say about shapes?

Compose and decompose shapes so that children recognise a shape can have other shapes within it, just as numbers can. Teach use of language to describe 3D shapes e.g. solid, faces, edges, corners (vertices) & recognise the 2D shapes on their faces. Talk about and identify the patterns around them.




Unclear Speech - Help for parents

If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s speech, you may be interested in this free online workshop.


Click here to register for this online workshop




Thank you for your support and have a lovely weekend!


RWI Phonics virtual presentation

Meet the team!
