Welcome to Mulberry Class!
On this page I aim to keep children and families up to date with what we have been and will be learning about.
Please do let me know if there is anything else that you would like to see here!
Reception Team
4th November Inset Day (School will be closed that day )
After the half term Reception is going to join Opal at lunch time, please make sure that your child brings spare clothes in their bags, thank you.
It is very important that your child is able to take off and put on their jumper, socks and shoes by themselves. We take off shoes and socks for PE in the hall and if your child gets their feet wet during Opal play, they need to be able to change themselves.
We have had a lovely final week of term!
Please check the lovely pictures in our website
Over half term please practice saying the pure sounds with your child, revisit the videos we have sent in previous emails. Continue to practice writing their names at home. This is vital for your child to progress with their phonics. We have sent home green letter formation books, please practice writing 1 sound a day and keep this in your ready to read bag!
The children have all been assessed and we are so pleased with their progress! We have now split them into phonics groups and they will be assessed termly to ensure we are moving them along appropriately. We will send you individual emails weekly with the appropriate RWI videos.
Please practise the following activities over half term:
Accurate 1:1 counting to 10 and 20 - you could count objects, actions or sounds (like how many claps)
Recognising groups which are more or less - compare different groups of objects, such as socks, pasta, leaves, buttons etc.
Adding one more to a number - you can use everyday objects to do this as well. Add one more, how many do we have now?
Thank you for your hard work and have a lovely half term!
Thank you for your support and have a lovely weekend!