Riverside Primary School and Nursery

Every child a happy learner

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Contact Details



           Welcome to Oak Class!          


Please use our class e-mail if you have any questions or queries


Class e-mail: oakclass@riversideprimaryschool.org.uk


Please visit our page regularly to find useful information and to see photos of what your children have been up to. 


Key information

Please ensure your child brings a piece of friut or healthy snack and a named bottle of water (no juice please) every day. 

Children may bring in their own pencil case. We will however provide stationery and equipment.


PE Days are Tuesday and Wednesday. 


Reading books - All children have a colour banded reading book. This needs to be in school everyday along with their reading record. Please encourage your child to read regularly at home and sign their reading record each time you listen to them read. Children will have the opportunity to change their book as required during the week. 


Spellings - We will send spellings home each Monday. Spelling tests will every Friday. 


Maths Homework - MyMaths tasks are set each Friday.

The children are encouraged to practice times tables using TTRockstars 4 x per week. Parent letters with information and log in details have been sent home. Passwords are also stuck into the front of reading records. 



Weekly timetable

Term Overview

Key Dates


October - Halloween disco

11.12.24 - Christmas fair 

6.3.25 - World Book day 

2.4.25 - Eid fair

June/July - Sports day 

17.7.25 - Summer fair

Parent information meeting slides

Parent Guide to Google classroom
