Welcome to Chestnut Class!
Welcome to Chestnut class page.
Please visit our page regularly to find useful information and photos to see what we have been up to!
If you wish to contact me please find me at school or at
Mrs Nadvornik & Mrs Asghar
Dates for the diary
17.10.24 - Harvest Singing performance at 2:50pm
25.10.24 - Half term
4.11.24 - Term starts
7.11.24 - Woolley Firs environmental trip
10.12.24 - Christmas Nativity
11.12.24 - Christmas fair
20.12.24 - End of term
6.3.25 - World Book day
2.4.25 - Eid fair
9.6.25 - Phonics screening check
17.7.25 - Summer fair