Welcome to Willow Class 2024-25
I would like to welcome you to our class page. Here you will find all you need to know about our class and our routines. I am looking forward to a fabulous year with the children packed with lots of fun learning, creativity and great experiences. Keep a look out for photos of us in action!
Our Class Team!
Mrs Bocsak
Mrs Duckworth
Mrs Mewhinney
Mrs Borland
Our Routines
Key information
Please ensure your child brings a piece of fruit or healthy snack and a named bottle of water (no juice please) every day.
Children may bring in their own pencil case. We will however provide stationery and equipment.
PE Days are Tuesday and Thursday in Autumn 2.
Reading books
All children have a colour banded reading book. This needs to be in school everyday along with their reading record. Please encourage your child to read regularly at home and sign their reading record each time you listen to them read. Children will have the opportunity to change their book as required during the week.
We will send spellings home each Monday. Spelling tests will every Friday.
Maths Homework
MyMaths tasks are set each Friday.
The children are encouraged to practice times tables using TTRockstars 4 x per week. Parent letters with information and log in details have been sent home. Passwords are also stuck into the front of reading records.
Meet the teacher slides 28.09.24
Reading is vital for your child's development!
Remember... "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more place you'll go!"

Any questions, reach us via this email.