Be Fearless Be Kind Sports Ambassadors Assembly
On Monday it was lovely to see the Sports Ambassadors from Year 5 in Whole school assembly, they first infroduced themselves and they are starting to spread the words of kindness amongst the whole school following their training at Hasbro Headquarters last month. They are aiming to improve the kindness that is demonstrated in the School Development Plan on the playground.
They named some table tennis balls with Kind words and we will continue to do this periodically..
We have met since to decide what the children are going to do and we have decided to work with Year 1, 2 and 3's over the next few weeks to get some designs for our inspired rocks and have a place to put them and then after Christmas they are going to run a club for KS 1 for the children at lunchtime.
They introduced themselves to the whole school in Assembly today and told the children they are going to help them be kind on the Playground and that the children can go to them if they need help.
They worked with the children from Year 1 designing the picture and words for their rock.
I was incredibly proud of them and really would like you to see some of the work they have started and will continue to do...