Riverside Primary School and Nursery

Every child a happy learner

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School Development Plan 2021-2024

In order to achieve of school aim of EVERY CHILD A HAPPY LEARNER, we have set the following six school priorities that we will be working on over the next 3 years:

Priority 1 - An ambitious curriculum

Vision - All children receive a broad and balanced curriculum that is well -sequenced. There are high quality outcomes throughout the curriculum that children and staff are proud of. There are enriching experiences and opportunities throughout the curriculum so that children understand the real-life value of our curriculum. Children will be able to recall what they have learnt during their time at Riverside and they will be able to use this knowledge to build new ideas and thoughts. We have a relentless focus on getting all children to become effective readers. Our curriculum is focussed on developing the children’s language, vocabulary and understanding of the world. The curriculum supports the children’s personal, social and emotional development so that they are happy and successful learners.

Priority 2 - Skilled and nurturing team

Vision - All staff at Riverside understand the complex backgrounds of our children and use a nurturing approach to build relationships with the children. Teachers and TAs use research-informed strategies to ensure that the quality of day-to-day lessons is of the best quality. Staff have an excellent knowledge of the curriculum. Teachers and TAs use a wide range of Checking For Understanding (CFU) techniques in every lesson and are able to quickly spot misconceptions and assist children to move their learning forward in the correct direction. There are a variety of opportunities for children to take an active part in leadership and roles of responsibility across the school. Governance of the school is good and provides challenge and support.

Priority 3 - Calm and purposeful environment

Vision - The school has a calm atmosphere and there is a sense of purposeful learning in all classrooms. Lessons are free from disruptions. The children play and interact well on the playgrounds and there are ample activities to keep them focussed at break times. All staff have a good understanding of the underlying  principles of our Behaviour Policy and consistently use these principles to deal with any behaviour issues. 

Priority 4 - Right support at the right time

Vision - Children, staff and families all feel well supported by the school. Needs are quickly identified and support is put in place from a wide variety of intervention options. A rigorous program of early intervention leads to children working at age-related standards access the curriculum. 

Priority 5 - Effective communication

Vision - All stakeholders have a clear understanding of the school’s vision and the strategic direction of the school. Parents are kept informed of developments at the school as well as the progress that their children are making. ICT is used effectively to ensure that children, staff and parents know what is happening at the school and what is being taught. There is a high standard of oracy among the children and staff use every opportunity to develop this.

Priority 6 - Foster a sense of belonging

Vision - Children, staff and parents feel that they are a valued part of the Riverside community. Children develop their understanding of the role they play in the school community and the wider local, national and international communities. Children and staff have a clear understanding of the leadership roles that they are in and they perform these leadership responsibilities effectively.

